Saturday, September 15, 2012

Eight Months, A Hundred Posts, and Over 9000 Views

When I started my blog on January of this year, I intended to use it as a place where I could post what I usually came up with on places like the Wowhead Forums. I felt that while I was capable of garnering a large amount of attention using Wowhead by posting my ideas, whether they are (overly complex) encounters for World of Warcraft, (poorly thought out) video game reviews, or something about game design, whether it's class design or general suggestions to improve the game, I wanted to make them more my own and create a home to nurture these works (that and the sheer amount of spam generated as a result). Because of this, however, I was afraid anything I made would get minimal attention at best. I am glad I was proven wrong, and instead have received traffic on my blog that exceeded anything I ever expected.

This brings me to thank all of the people who have taken an interest in my blog (even though a lot of it was likely the result of shameless advertising). However, even though my blog has now reached a double milestone of one hundred posts and over 9000 views, I only know a few viewers. In addition, I have received very little feedback (unless I repost the ideas somewhere else).

Because of this, and to commemorate both milestones, I created a talk page, which will also be in he sidebar, where viewers and introduce themselves and give general feedback (you can also post feedback on specific articles on the talk page or on the article page itself). However, the talk page isn't the only thing I plan to add to celebrate this milestone. I also plan to add an "agenda" page which will detail dates that articles will likely be posted, as well as the content I will post. This doesn't mean every article I plan to post will be on the agenda (which will be on a weekly basis) as some articles are created purely out of impulse (i.e. something happened recently with short notice and I write an article about it).

With that said, I thank you all again, and I hope to see some of you on the talk page.

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