Thursday, August 10, 2017

Knights of the Frozen Throne Card Review - Musings of a 0-3 Hearthstone Arena Player

A few months have passed since the release of Journey to Un'goro in Hearthstone and with the meta settled and card changes made, a new expansion has been hyped over about the last month. The expansion in question is the Knights of the Frozen Throne and much like the successful Wrath of the Lich King expansion for World of Warcraft, this one may see similar success. For a start, it features Missions, which are basically a free version of adventure mode with its own rewards in the form of card packs and a Death Knight card that changes the player's hero. These cards in particular seem fairly ambitious and come with powerful effects and new hero powers. On what I consider a less exciting note, the expansion also features the Lifesteal keyword, which has effectively been around since the Basic set.

Since the next expansion is set to release soon, I thought it'd be fun to try my hand at reviewing the cards once again. My opinion may not be worth much since my playing habits and my skill level haven't changed since my Journey to Un'goro review, but since it seems there's an interest in gathering opinions about the cards. In fact, I may end up making a tradition out of doing card reviews for a while even though a relative nobody especially in the Hearthstone scene.

With all that said, this card review, like last time, will cover how I expect all the cards from this set to perform in Standard Constructed and Arena until the release of the next expansion or until Blizzard starts changing cards. The cards will be reviewed in the order shown on visual guide by Disguised Toast. The rating criteria is related to whether the card will see usage in deckbuilding and goes as follows:
  • Terrible = The card will see no play.
  • Bad = The card will see barely any play at most.
  • So-So = The card has potential and may see some play, but will mostly do so in lower tier decks.
  • Good = The card sees a fair bit of usage in relatively high tier decks.
  • Great = The card is prominent in one or more high-tier decks and/or has great potential to reshape the metagame.
Note that the criteria for the ratings has been reworded slightly for clarity. Onwards to the incredibly inaccurate review!


This card is reminiscent of Darkshire Councilman but it's sturdier and has Taunt. However, unlike Darkshire Councilman it gains Health instead of damage. This makes it better for passively walling off enemies outside of buffing the minion. It seems like it would need a fair bit of help to accomplish that though and there's probably better options out there that cost 3 (like Stonehill Defender and Tar Creeper). It'll probably stand a decent chance in Arena though.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

This card probably isn't quite as bad as it looks since it has the potential to kill two rather huge minions. For many classes this isn't a big deal but since Druids have historically had trouble with hard removing minions, this card may seem like an attractive one to use occasionally. However, there are better options that this set introduces.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This card is similar to Bash but it comes with the arguable disadvantage of having to attack with the Hero, which can damage them in the process. On the other hand, being able to deal 4 damage reliably at 5 mana onward could be quite useful. It might end up being a solid replacement for Feral Rage at least.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

Unleash the Scarabs! This card is a juiced up Protect the King for Druids except it's at least guaranteed to summon one 1/5. Why one would use the card to summon a single 1/5 Taunt for 5 mana I'm not sure but it's better than having a spell that basically does nothing on an empty board. The fact the 1/5 bodies are a fair bit more durable is probably a good reason to consider using the card in an aggro-heavy meta. However, much like Crypt Lord, they seem much stronger when buffed and cards like Mark of the Lotus and Power of the Wild will work well in this particular case.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

A 1/5 Taunt for 2 Mana is pretty good in terms of raw stat value but mostly impactful in the sense it helps protect the face which can be useful especially in the early game. Later on, being able to summon a Poisonous minion may help deal with big threats or at least force the opponent to use removal. Overall, while it's not going to do a lot of damage to the enemy hero, both forms will do the Druid player a great service.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

This card synergizes pretty well with the Crypt Lord and Spreading Plague cards. Since both have pretty decent bodies and Druids can probably add other taunts, this could serve as something of a win condition since the opponent will have to deal with a board full of big, powerful minions, which has been shown to be problematic if pre-nerf Quest Rogue is considered. However, reaching this end goal seems a little less reliable by comparison.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

While the usage of this can end up being fairly predictable, the mindgame potential is still pretty great. Personally, I think this is generally better used as a board clear since there's other safer options for buffing one's own minions. Even on an empty board it'll likely make your opponent think twice about playing minions if they can't remove it.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

At 10 mana, a card typically is expected to have some sort of significant effect to compensate for basically spending the whole turn on it and this card delivers by doing many things at once, a couple of which are useful for surviving until the next turn. While all of the effects are generally useful, I could especially see this card being used in a deck running Jungle Giants since if the quest isn't completed yet, the summoned Ghoul contributes to the objective. If the quest is completed, drawing 5 cards can be extremely impactful since all the minions drawn cost zero, which could lead to the Druid flooding the board with other potentially impactful minions.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

While I like the idea of this card, I think it's held back by its statline. At 3 attack, the opponent probably isn't going to consider it much of a threat, but at 7 health, it's going to be hard to kill the minion yourself outside of using a spell like Naturalize. Buff effects like Mark of Y'shaarj could force the opponent's hand, but it might be better for propping up minions with better statlines for their mana costs instead. The effect keeps the card from being unplayable though.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

This Death Knight hero has a relatively potent effect that allows for some influence over the board state by providing more protection or threatening to remove enemy minions. A 5 armor gain on top of that along with a strong hero power for a mana cost of 7 may make this hero enticing to use. The only drawback, if it's even a drawback, is there's not a lot of synergy to speak of - Malfurion the Pestilent just seems strong in its own right.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.


When it comes to 3 mana cards Hunters want to use, this seems to be somewhere in the middle. There appears to be other superior choices in the form of Animal Companion, Eaglehorn Bow, and Rat Pack along with the other 3 mana card in this set. It might be considered since it's difficult to remove, but the 4/3 statline probably isn't doing it any favors especially against cards like Tar Creeper.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

The 2/2 statline is pretty weak at 3 mana but the Discover effect more than makes up for it since it encourages a deckbuilding strategy that can be capitalized on easily. Discovering additional Highmanes immediately comes to mind, but it's not the only way to generate a huge amount of value while also keeping the Hunter from running out of fuel. Very likely to be a staple for all Hunter decks.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

This card is inexpensive and may see some combo potential. However, it's worth keeping in mind that for an additional 2 mana, one can get a 3/3 body with it. Maybe there's a deck out there that'll run both, but even with the influx of Deathrattle cards in this set, I have my doubts.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Bad.

I see this trap as one that's generally superior to Snake Trap in a sense. The body you get is more durable and while it has pretty typical stats for a 2 mana minion, the Poisonous effect can make your opponent's life difficult. On the other hand, this trap doesn't seem particularly impactful compared to some other traps.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

This card's effect is useful for getting many Deathrattles, like Savannah Highmane, Rat Pack, Infested Wolf, and others out much sooner. While it is expensive to play and combo with even when accounting for the discount, this minion is fairly durable with its 4/6 body. Therefore, it might last an additional turn or at least force hard and/or expensive removal. Essential in any Hunter deck running Deathrattles, which seems to be almost all of them.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

Initially I considered this card to be terrible because of its body and seemingly delayed effect that the opponent can play around with more confidence compared to dealing with similar effects like Explosive Trap. However, it could see some application with Deathrattle activators to help establish some board control and potentially force opponents to play suboptimally.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

This card's Deathrattle packs quite a punch and in addition to its 6/7 body, it's a fairly strong play at 7 mana, which may potentially be discounted. Even without the discounts, it's almost certainly a threat going into the later stages of the game and a very likely target for Deathrattle activators on following turns.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

At 2 mana, this spell is pretty expensive to use as a form of 2 damage removal. It also doesn't seem like great value when used as a form of hard removal since generally seems to be a 2 for 1 trade. Furthermore, this would be most effective on minions with lower attack to maximize the value of the Poisonous effect. When it comes to Hunter decks, unless there's a high tier one running cards like Acolyte of Pain that I'm not aware of, Toxic Arrow seems awkward to fit in. Meanwhile, this card would be incredibly powerful as a Druid card due to the large amount of 1/5 tokens they can potentially work with.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

While the Battlecry effect of this card screams "Control Hunter" it seems to be useful in a wide array of situations since it's one of the few ways Hunters can deal damage to all enemy minions immediately, which might force opponents to play suboptimally. Meanwhile, the hero power seems very slow and value-oriented since while the Zombeast created generally seems powerful, it can be expensive to play. It may also not be worth trading out the hero power when you have the potential to defeat your opponent in a couple turns with Steady Shot.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

There appears to be a bit of a thematic conflict when it comes to giving Professor Putricide to Hunters, since having a high likelihood of being associated with the Kabal probably beats out Zombeast crafting any day. As a card, there's a large amount of combo potential especially with Cloaked Huntress since it curves off of it. More realistically, it'll be played on turn 6 onward alongside a secret or two but that may be awkward to do since Hunters already seem to have some other more powerful options at that point in the game. Pair that with a slightly vulnerable 5/4 body and I'm left a bit skeptical about its usage.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.


A 3/4 for 3 is already fairly decent and can hold its own. While this might not earn it a place in a constructed deck, the additional effect of potentially drawing a card may earn it a spot in any deck running at least Frostbolt. This expansion also adds some other cards that freeze in addition to the modest repertoire that Mages already have access to, so the usage of this may end up being very high as a result.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

Considering the fact that Battlecry cards see a fair bit of usage in general, Frost Clone almost looks like a superior version of Mirror Entity. However, both secrets have their advantages and disadvantages, such as the fact the Mage has to cast minions created by Frost Clone. With that said, this secret seems a little harder for opponents to punish, but it seems better suited for Arena than Constructed.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

This cheap spell can be helpful as a form of cheap removal and almost certainly seems like a cheap activator for Coldwraith. However, Mages have access to more reliable and relatively cheap removal spells like Frostbolt and cheap freezing effects like Glacial Shard. Therefore, the benefit of adding this to the deck doesn't seem to be that great.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

While Mirror Image isn't an incredibly spell, it's nice to get for free alongside a 2/6 body for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it helps to stall if the Mage needs it. Secondly, it activates effects associated with spells such as Mana Wyrm and, in the case, the quest. This card might not be incredibly flashy, but it's certainly functional.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

Serving as some sort of reverse Sorcerer's Apprentice, the Ghastly Conjurer might screw up the opponent's ability to play spells, which might even hamper their ability to remove this minion from the board. However, there's less combo potential and it might not have a great impact later in the game outside of the Arena. Therefore, it doesn't seem worthwhile to use even in a spell-heavy combo meta since there are better options.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Good.

The 1/3 body of the Ice Walker doesn't do it much favors in the early game to the point it's probably best used to combo with the Mage's hero power in narrow situations. While the hero power is an unlimited resource compared to freezing spells, the drawbacks of running one or two Ice Walkers just to freeze something seems too great, even if it does save the Mage from time to time. The fact it's an elemental doesn't help that much either.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

Initially, I thought this card might end up being a sleeper because of the Mysterious Challenger in the past. However, Mysterious Challenger also fell out of favor once certain cards rotated out such as Avenge. Considering how demanding Mysterious Challenger turned out to be to use, I don't have high hopes for Glacial Mysteries. It doesn't create a body (at least not immediately) and the Mage secret synergies are not as great. It might have some fringe usefulness to pull a Counterspell and/or Ice Block or some other important secret out of the deck but at that point I have to ask: Why not just use cards like Arcanologist instead, even if it does involve spending some mana to play the secret itself?

Also, there's probably better ways to thin out the deck if needed, such as Hemet.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Terrible.

I thought this card looked really weak at first since even with excellent deckbuilding strategies this might not end up being useful. However, it has potential to duplicate a Sorcerer's Apprentice, greatly increasing the reliability of combo potential such as in an Exodia Mage deck. I doubt it'll cause such a deck to hit tier 1 though.

In Constructed, this card is So-So.

The impact of this card at 9 mana is far from immediate since it effectively summons a 4 mana minion and provides 5 armor, but it might pay off if the Mage survives a little longer. Firstly, if the Mage is running some elementals, such as in an elemental Mage deck the sustain potential can be very great especially since apparently Lifesteal can activate off of Battlecries. Secondly, the hero power, while not great at dealing damage, is a threat that the Mage can creatively use to summon Water Elementals (such as by killing friendly minions).

With all of that said, this might not be enough to elevate any Mage decks to a much higher tier.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

This 8/8 Dragon has potential to be very great but while one can get two more legendaries off of it, there's a high chance the Mage will be the one having to use their hero power to acquire them over two turns. This can be beneficial especially if Frost Lich Jaina has been played, since it summons two more Water Elementals. Alternatively, some friendly fire can be done. The problem I foresee is the randomness of the results is questionable, which makes putting this card into the deck questionable.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.


This will almost certainly heal for 3, possibly even 6 if the opponent has to trade into it. In addition, it will also deal 3 damage to a single target pretty reliably. However, Truesilver Champion exists and there's a fair number of decent 4 mana cards for Paladin, so adding this may be difficult.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

Righteous Protector is basically an Argent Squire with Taunt. This helps to wall off aggro a little bit and can otherwise be a great annoyance for the opponent. Its Divine Shield also helps to synergize with other cards in the set. These qualities don't make the card utterly quintessential, but it should see a fair bit of usage.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

This might be a little useful for creating a 3/3 in a pinch, possibly empowering a Divine Shield minion in the process since some of this set emphasizes the usage of Divine Shield. It may also be useful for making enemy minions useless but I expect the application of this card to be a little low since Paladins have access to much more effective ways to ruin an enemy minion's day. Overall, its potential for usage seems very low in Constructed.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

To further emphasize the Divine Shield thematic, this card serves as a "tutor" for Divine Shield minions and has a body similar to that of Stitched Tracker. While this doesn't Discover a card, it does thin the deck a bit which can be an advantage of its own. It might even be good solely for pulling out strong Divine Shield cards like Tirion Fordring.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

A targeted Redemption that costs an additional mana seems pretty bad on initial inspection. However, since the player has more agency over the minion that gets resurrected, the effects can be maximized by casting it on a Divine Shield and/or Deathrattle minion. When considered in this manner, it might be worth running at least a single copy of the card.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

With its 5/2 statline this minion has to have a fairly substantial effect to make up for its frail body. Potentially summoning a 2/2 minion is probably not strong enough but can serve as a deterrent that encourages the opponent to spare the minion's life for a turn. Actually, even then it's not that great and it dies to a lot more than a minion like Infested Tauren does. The mechanic is interesting though.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This 4 mana weapon seems a little underwhelming since it has the stats of a Light's Justice but it can become fairly powerful even a couple Divine Shields break. This would likely require some slow, calculated play compared to the Truesilver Champion but this weapon could potentially become a win condition in the right hands. I'm skeptical about it working out though, especially since it curves right into an enemy Harrison Jones and weapon destruction is a little more prevalent now.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

Paladins have a fair amount of healing including some cards they really like to use such as Forbidden Healing. Blackguard capitalizes on that by potentially becoming a board controlling powerhouse. While some of the Paladin heals are rather expensive, Blackguard has 9 health which will help it survive a few turns. Healing the Blackguard to keep it alive longer could become an option assuming it's not hard removed. This card could easily buy the Paladin a lot of tempo in any case.

In Constructed, this card is Great. In Arena, this card is Good.

Much like Light's Sorrow, this minion is meant to synergize with Divine Shield minions and earns a similar fate as the weapon. It might be worse if only because Light's Sorrow could at least get an attack off for some damage before being destroyed. Bolvar might not be so lucky. He seems decent in Arena though.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

This hero card initially looks potent with a game-winning effect present on its hero power. In reality it's probably not as glorious but solid nonetheless. The weapon wielded by playing the hero may end up overwriting or being overwritten by Ashbringer but with careful planning this Lifesteal weapon can be put to very effective use. When accounting for the armor gain effect, this card basically heals for 20 over 3 turns and since 10 of that is immediate, the 9 mana cost may be worthwhile. It can also be used to set up a 5 damage Blackguard activation on later turns. The hero power, aside from its game-winning effect, summons more durable 2/2s which will allow Uther to churn out more value in the form of slightly larger minions that have to be answered.

Overall, this card seems like a good inclusion in any Paladin deck that can make and maintain a late game position.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.


Priest gets a bit more early game love in the form of a board clear that also heals the Priest. While this might not be effective at killing minions, it'll almost certainly punish any opponent who floods the board. The Priest can also heal off their own minions if needed. In the worst case, it has some usefulness later on since it can be fed to Lyra or Priest of the Feast, among other possible applications.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

While this might be good for buffing up a turn 1 play like Northshire Cleric, it doesn't seem incredibly unfair since after a single turn, it's effectively 3/3 of stats for 2 mana that the Priest has to wait until next turn to capitalize on. If it manages to stick around it may generate more stats but the accumulated benefits don't seem that great especially in a Constructed setting. These small advantages may give the Priest an upper hand in Arena though.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Good.

If my evaluation of Chillblade Champion is anything to judge, I might be underrating Lifesteal a little bit. However, in the case of the Paladin and Priest class, I think the healing is a little less important, plus I had other reasons to judge Chillblade Champion in particular poorly. In a similar vein, Acolyte of Agony at 3 mana is competing with cards like Kabal Talonpriest and a number of other 3 drops Priest may use (such as a certain Deathrattle minion being added in this set) and its prospects are very dim.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Good.

This card is fairly similar to Resurrect but it has improved reliability at the cost of 2 more mana. While this might end up being detrimental since all the Discover choices could be bad, I think the results will generally be useful in some sort of way. For instance, a Priest running the quest should often be able to summon a decent Deathrattle minion back. It may potentially replace Resurrect and/or Onyx Bishop, though having more ways to return minions from the dead can be really beneficial.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

Thoughtsteal's bigger brother makes its way into this set, providing more overall value. However, much like Thoughtsteal, your mileage will vary with the usage of this card since the cards stolen from your opponent may not be as useful as what you pull out of your own deck, especially if you're matched up against a Rogue. Also, this card's a fair bit more expensive than Thoughtsteal, which makes it harder to budget mana towards without risking a major loss of tempo. Finally, it could potentially be better to focus more on card draw paired with a certain other card Priests get.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

Barnes gets a bigger brother as well in the form of a Priest spell that summons a 5/5 for 6 mana. Normally this is pretty bad but in a Deathrattle-heavy deck, it might be useful if only to progress the quest further. It's not too bad for pulling out a 5/5 Radiant Elemental or Lyra either, along with some other cards with powerful effects. It might be worth running at least one copy.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

A delayed, cheap Mind Control seems pretty good, but this card might end up running into problems that cards like Corruption has where the opponent will be able to reply by getting rid of the minion somehow. Since it's likely the Priest wouldn't leave anything that the opponent would trade into, this leaves other outs they may not necessarily have. I'm still skeptical of this making its way into good Priest decks though since Priests have many other options available, but it doesn't seem bad either.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is So-So.

While this minion is pretty expensive to play and will be around long after an aggro deck has done its job, it'll help to secure the Priest's position unless it gets hard removed. Even then, removing the minion is met with reprisal due to its rather powerful hard removal Deathrattle which could be effective at later stages of the game. It also helps complete the quest if it's not done yet and is a great target to copy with Shadow Essence and Barnes. Overall, this seems like a good card to include and it's solid in Arena too since a 4/8 body, even for 9, is respectable with the other effects considered.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

This card serves as the hilarious pinnacle to the Priest's card stealing mechanic. However, if used poorly it'll end up diluting the Priest's draws. In addition, Benedictus may not copy good cards out of the opponent's deck since most of them may have been draw by the time this is played. Overall, it looks a little too unwieldy to use but the meme and fun potential of this card is really high, so I'd consider giving it a try despite the poor rating.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

At 8 mana, this card's Battlecry might be at least somewhat effective against the nerfed Quest Rogue. In truth, it may affect a lot more and swing the game heavily in the Priest's favor. However, opponents have a bit of agency in terms of dealing with the Battlecry and it's unlikely to cause devastating swings against Control matchups. This leaves the Hero Power, which is basically an improved Shadowform hero power with some combo potential that encourages the usage of some cheap cards. There's a win condition to consider here, but it might not be worth tossing out the ability to heal to pursue. Overall, Anduin seems like it might need a bit of help from other cards to work effectively, much like Jaina, and I find such prospects dubious.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.


This card basically needs to rely on some cheap, weak minion to make the most of its effect. Having Charge, like with Southsea Deckhand or Patches, is a huge bonus. Because of this, this card may be useful in a number of lists including a potentially stronger Quest Rogue. The presence of this card will at least make players a bit more wary about leaving a Rogue's minions alive. In the worst case, the 2/3 body itself isn't great but is at least somewhat functional.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

Sustain for Rogues is far from plentiful and while this might not be a good idea to apply to the Rogue's hero power weapon, there's a few decent weapons to apply it to if the Rogue needs to last a little longer. It might help open up more options for Rogues, including a more weapon-heavy one that some of the cards in this set seem to push towards.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Bad.

I was initially underwhelmed by this card to the point of considering it terrible but then I realized the Deathrattle basically creates two combo activators as well as tokens for the Plague Scientist to do its work. Also, while it's expensive, it may help Quest Rogue as well. With all of that said, why not just use cards like Igneous Elemental instead? I find it doubtful that Rogues can afford to include another card like this in their decks.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

A new weapon for Rogues with Fiery War Axe stats. While for even 3 mana this alone is respectable, it also provides the benefit of letting the Rogue recklessly rough up a high attack minion if needed. I'd say there's a good chance Rogues will use this weapon.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

It may be useful to have a couple copies of what is essentially Captain Greenskin in a weapon-heavy Rogue deck. However, the 3 health does hurt it by turn 4 and it would be ideal to try to preserve more than a single point of durability. I'd say it may be used because Rogues don't have a lot of options, but this set introduces another one, therefore...

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Bad.

Like Wrathion, this card encourages partially building a deck around the effect to get some additional value. However, much like Wrathion, there's a lot that can go wrong. For instance, the Rogue may only draw one card or draw many more than intended. I'd consider other card draw options instead.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

I really like the design of this card since when I read the text, I imagine Valeera chucking her weapon at someone and I find the mental image of that highly amusing, if perhaps a little unlike what a Rogue does. Anyways, it definitely seems like a promising card that provides some board control, encourages the Rogue to run weapons besides what the hero power provides, and ensures the longevity of said weapons. Likely to be the bread and butter of a weapon Rogue deck.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

The 6 mana cost in addition to demanding multiple cards be played makes it very unlikely that this minion will be highly impactful. It might be run in some Miracle Rogue list or the like but Edwin and possibly even Biteweed probably beat it out since those cards are far cheaper, allowing for greater combo potential.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Terrible.

The 4/5 body of this card is pretty decent but the effect is a little questionable. While it's useful for converting cards like Razorpetals and Coins and Lilian curves into Ethereal Peddler, the randomness, much like with the rest of the "Thief" Rogue thematic, makes for an unreliable outcome. In this particular case, Lilian requires on other sources of card generation to really be effective, so it's unlikely to be the card to push this type of deck into a higher tier.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Great.

The Battlecry of Valeera the Hollow along with the bonus armor will almost always buy the Rogue player another turn, potentially allowing for some great combo with the hero power. However, the hero power is restricted in the sense that only cards up to 5 mana can be copied. I personally find this disappointing since Rogues have a way to discount card costs and the restriction reduces the combo potential of the card. It's not all bad though since the extra card and free turn at 10 mana will almost certainly benefit Miracle Rogue at least. Expect great miracles to come.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.


The fact this card is a Murloc in addition to having a Battlecry that freezes will cause it to see inclusion in at least a couple of Shaman decks. It counts towards the quest and can help keep other minions alive by preventing trades with freeze. The freeze in itself helps make some of the other Shaman cards in this set more effective and a deck based on those cards seems likely.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

A really cheap tutor card for Murloc Shaman? That seems pretty powerful especially since draw 2 for 2 mana really helps to thin out the deck. Highly likely to make Murloc Shaman a stronger deck by itself and it might see usefulness in other Shaman decks running Murlocs.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

The statline of this card is fairly decent until you look at the Overload that basically eats up a turn 4. It might see a little use but even though it's a great card for walling off aggro, a card like Feral Spirit seems like a better choice.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This weapon's attack isn't going to be doing much to the opponent's face but the effect can easily destroy 3 enemy minions with the right support cards. Cards like Brrrloc, Glacial Shard, and maybe even Frost Shock in addition to others seem to indicate there's a sufficient amount of support for what seems to be a great weapon for board control.

In Constructed, this card is Great. In Arena, this card is So-So.

Voodoo Hexxer is a good example of a possible support card for Ice Breaker. While at 5 mana its statline isn't incredibly, it doesn't necessarily have to be as long as it has a load of health and 7 is quite a bit. It'll require a fair amount of burn of a hard removal to eliminate the threat potential of this minion since even trying to trade into it can be disastrous for the opponent. Thus, while it might not live to get a hit in, it has a good chance of giving the opponent a hard time.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

Avalanche pushes the freeze thematic for Shaman further but it does so by adding a rather expensive card that seems most useful only in a narrow situation. Outside of that it might end up being a 4 mana freeze or 4 mana deal 3 damage to a minion. Overall, this card doesn't seem worth using.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This might not be a practical card to use with Icebreaker outside of a desperate scenario and it's a bit slow for a buffing effect. However, there is one card this synergizes with very well to the point there might be a deck of sorts built around said card. This fact keeps the card from being entirely unusable, but it's still pretty bad I think. Actually, it might not be too bad to use on a Taunt minion either.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

The giant of this set is a Shaman exclusive that encourages the usage of freezing effects to make it playable. It also makes Evolve on 10 mana minions and Devolve on 12 mana minions effective. I count at least 6 reliable, efficient ways to freeze and there's some other options, so I expect this card to usually be a 5 mana 8/8 in decks running a fair amount of freezing effects. This seems pretty strong, though not necessarily super unfair by any means.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Bad.

He doesn't turn into a mammoth in Hearthstone, but his ability to copy frozen minions, including the Shaman's, could lead to some interesting shenanigans. However, this would require a substantial amount of help and Moorabi himself cannot be copied outside of some very specific situations. Thus, while a deck will likely spring up around the usage of Moorabi, I think the deck won't be that good. Instead, I think higher tier Shaman decks will favor the control aspects of freezing minions over the questionable value that Moorabi provides. Such decks may throw in a few giants too.

On an amusing note, this card can be teched in to counter other decks that emphasize freeze.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Bad.

The Battlecry of this card seems really potent and fits an Evolve theme fairly well. At 5 mana, there's also a good chance multiple minions will be evolved on turn 5 and there may be some combo application as well. The hero power is arguably more useful as well since it could potentially be used to heal minions to full health, cause a favorable evolution, or build up a minion with multiple evolutions. Ultimately this iteration of Thrall seems at least somewhat useful in a number of decks.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.


There's a few minions that are worth sacrificing to this minion but at the same time, a 3/3 for 1 isn't incredibly unfair. Thus, this card is likely to only contribute a bit towards victory.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.


Howlfiend is clearly designed to further push Discard Warlock as an archetype. However, the archetype doesn't seem to have enough support yet even when including the cards from this set. I also wouldn't run this particular minion in such a deck since it seems to have great potential to be punished. As it is, there's plenty of strong cards that cause the Warlock to discard cards, so I'd rather use those.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This is basically a cheaper Drain Life that cannot target heroes. It might help to control the board a little early on while providing some sustain. Not incredible by any means but at 2 mana it'll likely see some usage especially compared to Drain Life.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

Dealing 1 damage to the entire board for 2 isn't too bad as it is, but potentially dealing more depending on the board state could culminate into board clear. The Warlock could even toss a weak minion in to maximize the damage, which is a fair bit more efficient than feeding a large minion to Shadowflame. Possessed Villager, for example, would make this cheap spell pretty damaging.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

Much like with Sanguine Reveler, there's a few minions that are likely to make for good fodder for this spell. Unlike Sanguine Reveler, the effect of this spell is a fair bit more powerful and while it's basically a worse Deadly Shot, it can serve as effective hard removal on top of the other hard removal spells Warlock has access to, making them even more effective at board control.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

4/5 for 5 mana is a little weak, but still respectable. The effect, which might occur more than once, helps to keep the board under control and can help set up for other board clear spells like Defile. In addition to this it's also a demon, which thanks to another card in this set matters greatly.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

This card could be fun for messing with an opponent's combo by destroying a key card on the top of their deck. However, it might also end up thinning an aggro's players deck which can speed up the Warlock's demise even if a 2/3 body is played alongside it. I suspect this will end up being teched in if combo decks are heavy in the meta much like with Dirty Rat and in this case, it might destroy some important spells. Therefore, this card, while not good, certainly doesn't seem bad either.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.

Treachery can be fun for sending cards with detrimental effects like Unlicensed Apothecary over to the opponent. It is also useful for clearing the opponent's board at 5 mana by sending a Doomsayer that the opponent can't do much to stop. I could also see some other amusing applications but ultimately there's probably better ways to deal with an opponent's threats than by giving them one's own minions.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Terrible.

This legendary serves as the support card for Discard Warlock in this expansion. However, while it is potent, it may just get hard removed. Another win condition like Nether Portal is probably more reliable by comparison. In addition, this card may get discarded due to the randomness of discard, which is a can of worms in itself.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

There's a fair number of powerful demons that Warlocks can use that are summoned over the course of the game. This hero card basically serves as a N'Zoth for such cards, and can be more influential by comparison since in addition to a couple of Taunts, Doomguards have Charge. Furthermore, detrimental Battlecries can be ignored by using a card like Krul to summon them, which means that on turns 9 and 10, the Warlock can basically flood the board with demons. Bloodreaver Gul'dan can also be used after summoning many Infernals with Jaraxxus to get a board full of 6/6 minions as an alternative option.

After these eventful turns, Gul'dan gains access to a potent hero power that provides significant sustain and allows for board control or face damage that can help to win the game.

Overall, this card could help to pave the way for a Demon Reno Warlock deck that has a fair amount of support.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.


While Death's Bite hit a fair bit harder than this weapon, this causes a Whirlwind effect twice. Warriors benefit pretty greatly from this, especially with cards like Sleep With The Fishes. The power of Patron may be waning and only existent in Wild, but a weapon like this is still welcomed into the Warrior's armory.

In Constructed, this card is Great. In Arena, this card is Good.

Animated Berserker

This minion is a compact Whirlwind effect which allows for a bit more control over the minions that the Warrior wants to deal one damage to. This can be useful since damaging a minion like Frothing Berserker too much will just kill it. However, the usage of this may be a little limited, especially since there's a lot of ways to deal damage to the Warrior's own minions.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

A tutor card for weapons seems useful in any Warrior deck that wants to thin out and runs a fair amount of weapons. This'll probably help aggro decks a fair amount as a result. It could also be used in other decks to fetch potent weapons like Gorehowl.

In Constructed, this card is Great. In Arena, this card is Good.

A 4/3 for 3 mana is okay to have, but one that the opponent will be strongly discouraged from killing might be even better. Gaining 6 armor is a pretty big deal for a Warrior since it can enable some big Shield Slams, but even just healing for 6 is a nice benefit in itself. This puts the opponent in a difficult situation since the minion is aggressively statted and could kill or help kill some fairly durable minions. Overall, this minion seems like a good inclusion for Warrior decks, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was dropped either.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

In general this minion is going to be a 1/3 and a 2/2 for 3 mana, with the potential to summon more 2/2s. If a card like Blood to Ichor is used, this minion could help the Warrior take some early game control. However, these statlines don't seem incredibly powerful especially compared to other options Warriors have.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.

This minion is fairly expensive for its stats but it has the potential to be as powerful as a 16/16 with the right board state. In specific matchups, this is more likely to be something within the realm of a 5 mana 8/8 or 9/9 which could draw some hard removal. However, much like Snowfury Giant (or most giants), this card requires a bit of setting up and isn't brutally unfair in a sense.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

This card has double the cost and effect of Iron Hide but with a drawback. This drawback can be very detrimental if used against the wrong decks, but gaining 10 health might be worth it. However, it still doesn't hold a candle to a card like Shield Block with compounds armor gain with another useful effect. The fact Mountainfire Armor has been added isn't helping matters either.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Terrible.

Being able to shuffle a copy of one's hand into the deck seems useful if more fuel is needed to survive certain matchups. It also makes the Warrior more unpredictable since they now have many of certain threats that the opponent is not prepared for. It's even possible to go infinite by shuffling a copy of Dead Man's Hand into the deck, preventing death by fatigue. However, this also risks diluting card draws. Overall, this card seems really important for Control Warriors to use, but it may see usage in other decks too.

In Constructed, this card is Great. In Arena, this card is Bad.

While the statline of this card is pretty poor for an 8 mana card, it can easily be part of a combo that ends up summoning multiple legendary minions. These legendaries may not be that threatening, but it'll make for a fairly decent board that stemmed a couple of cards. This may be enough to be worth including in Warrior decks that enjoy value, but there's other options to consider...

In Constructed and Arena, this card is So-So.

This hero card gives me mixed feelings. On one hand Shadowmourne is a fairly powerful weapon that can just be used to deal 12 damage to the enemy's face in the worst case and the hero power can be useful for board control and activating minions that like to be damaged. On the other hand, I'm not sure if it's worth losing the Armor Up hero power. I'm left with the conclusion that this card is especially good in a deck that emphasizes the usage of cards like Rotface but I don't think that a deck based on that thematic alone is going to be that powerful. There is one saving grace in the form of Sulfuras, however, since it can overwrite Bladestorm when it's no longer needed and the hero power provided by that weapon is quite powerful.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Good.



The Prince cards of the set all share a similar thematic that, while interesting for deckbuilding to the point of promoting some interesting discussion, seem very problematic. 2 cost and 4 cost cards in particular are very prevalent in many decks or at least worth considering. To be more specific about what was going through my head as I read these cards though, here's a summary of my thoughts.

I don't think Prince Keleseth is good because while the effect can be useful in a minion-heavy deck, said deck is likely to contain minions that cost 2 mana to have some early game presence.

Prince Taldaram is probably the most promising since it could potentially be used to create a Deathrattle minion or something with a powerful effect, but there's other less restrictive options available, even if said options are more expensive.

Prince Valanar is probably the worst of the trio since a 4/4 Taunt with Lifesteal doesn't actually seem all that strong, at least in Constructed.

Overall, I feel like these legendaries, while interesting in terms of design, are present to dilute the "random legendary" pool for certain other cards. I'll also be pretty upset if I pull one out of a pack even if card packs are more consumer friendly overall.

In Constructed, these cards are Terrible. In Arena, these cards are So-So.

Meanwhile, the almighty Lich King may end up being a must-craft card if only because of its effect. At 8 mana, it can be used alongside a hero power, which might be empowered by the Death Knight hero cards, at 10 mana. It is also fairly impactful as an 8/8 with Taunt that'll help protect the face. The end of turn effect is where the meat of the power is and provides the player with one or more cards that all seem fairly strong, though some in narrow situations due to their drawbacks. This card's design is strongly reminiscent of Ysera but because it costs 1 less mana, it might be used more since it can be played earlier and is a decent play at 10 mana.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.

This mild pun of a card seems to exist largely to help Rexxar construct a powerful Zombeast. While I wouldn't mind getting it as a random legendary it doesn't seem reliable enough to make it a worthwhile card to use, especially with that statline. It may see a little usage in Hunter and Druid decks as well as other decks that like Beasts, such as decks running Curator.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Good.


When I mentioned there were better options than Doomed Apprentice earlier in this card review, this is one of the cards I was referring to. While it's expensive and has a poor statline as a 6 mana minion, it's still sturdy enough to handle some minion combat and a fairly strong spell. It's basically a more expensive and less potent Loatheb that has to be removed and until it is, spell combos will be difficult to pull off. Because of this, it'll probably be used as a tech card that's meta-reliant instead of the must-include that Loatheb was.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This card is decent in any deck containing Wickerflame Burnbristle since it's basically a slightly bigger, more expensive version of it in such a case. It might be worth settling for a Divine Shield and Taunt minion though, since it'll make aggressive play difficult. Shamans might also like this card. Overall, I like the deckbuilding strategies this card promotes compared to the Princes.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

This minion really likes buffing effects, but while there's a great amount of value to be had from potentially summoning a pretty large minion, the level of impact in the Constructed format is questionable. This is especially problematic because Meat Wagon seems to require a fair bit of help to summon powerful minions. On the plus side, it can summon cards like Devilsaur Egg consistently.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

5/3 isn't a great statline but it's okay considering the value that this minion provides. It is worth keeping in mind that deckbuilding will only do so much to improve the consistency of this minion, however, since it can add an enemy's dead Deathrattle minion too. Despite this, it'll at least be helpful as something of a "tutor" card for Deathrattle Priest and Hunter decks, if not more.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

This is clearly intended to counter Jade Idol, but there's actually a fair number of decent 1 mana spells for every class in Standard (quests don't count). Because of this, I could see Skulking Geist being used in any deck that doesn't run 1 mana spells just to potentially do some damage to decks that do.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This 4 mana 7/7 (in terms of total stats) comes with a pretty major drawback that makes its usage very questionable. This is because ultimately one basically summons a 2/2 for 4 mana. Furthermore, summoning the minion back is very detrimental, making it especially harmful to use in any Deathrattle deck. While I like the idea, especially in an aggro deck, there's probably better options at 4 mana.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This fairly sturdy card synergizes with a large number of cards, some of which provide great benefits if the end of turn effect is doubled. While it's not entirely necessary to have Drakkari Enchanter in decks running cards with end of turn effects, it's at least a good option to consider.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Bad.

This could be a fun card to make huge especially in Warrior decks running Forge of Souls. However, a single big minion has great potential to be punished much like other win conditions that rely on a single huge minion. Because of this, this card may see a little use.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

If Mean Streets of Gadgetzan showed anything, it's that specific handbuff cards like this one aren't that great. This one is especially specific since it involves Lifesteal minions and while there are some that could benefit from the handbuff, I think there's generally better options than a card that's basically 5/5 of stats for 4.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.


While very frail, this card is a Deathrattle that provides more Deathrattles. This seems especially good in Priest since it will often count as 2 Deathrattles for the quest. There's also a number of useful Deathrattles to get from this card, so it may be used in many decks.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

However, cards like this exist to make random chances at Deathrattles much worse. This minion is not too bad to play alone at least and its stats allow it to trade fairly well, but it's not worth putting into the deck.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This may shut off an opponent's hero power for a whole turn since the body of this minion is pretty strong. I doubt this will lead to frequent usage of the card in Constructed even with the stronger hero power that Death Knight hero cards provide but it certainly has a home in Arena.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is Great.

In the worst case, this could be played after a Rogue hero powers up to become a 4/5. This means that it's likely to have more unfair stats, especially in terms of its Attack. A reasonable candidate for any deck running weapons, such as Pirate Warrior.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Good.

This card is basically a 3/3 minion and Ancestral Spirit packaged into a neutral card. It's especially useful for using on a Deathrattle or an ex-Divine Shield minion that's about to attack to maximize the benefits of either of those effects. The benefits may see other applications as well like keeping a key minion alive and while this minion is expensive to cast, it'll probably see play in at least one reasonably decent deck.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

A Feral Spirit for 4 mana in itself is not too bad in terms of handling aggro, though there may be superior options. However, this card also likes handbuffs since it summons a copy of itself, which may make it more useful. Because the minion has Taunt, it can also help a deck like handbuff Paladin stabilize. It helps the minions have 3 health, helping them survive some board clears.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

When used in a Constructed deck, it'll likely be used in one that has a way to heal the hero to set its cost to 0. However, summoning a 3/3 for 0 isn't necessarily that unfair since it can end up getting dealt with pretty quickly. With the increase in ways for all players to heal themselves, it'll see its fair share of deckbuilding though and I certainly don't think it should be dismissed.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.

This card is probably good with Treachery, because it certainly doesn't seem like a good card for thinning the deck. This means it's a slightly overstatted minion for 4 mana and in that case, there's far better options.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

Bone Drake's Deathrattle is pretty incredible to the point it might make this card one of the best in the set. Aside from the fact it provides a bit of help for Dragon decks, many of the Dragons available in Standard seem great to get in general. I'd go as far as to say any deck that can afford to run 6 mana minions is going to run this minion because of how powerful it seems to be between its okay statline and powerful Deathrattle effect. It seems even crazier in Arena to boot.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Great.


Speaking of crazy cards, this 7 mana minion provides 9/9 of stats. It also turns the minion it buffs into a Taunt minion. This should often result in two strong minions that can be difficult to handle in general, though Constructed play should provide some decent answers.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

While this card is a 0 mana 1/1 like Wisp, the Beast tag makes it at least somewhat usable. It's probably still not that great though.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Terrible.

A more expensive Master Swordsmith with what appears to be generally better stats and a stronger effect seems pretty good. However, Constructed decks outside of those with Dragon synergy may have trouble using this.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.

Soul of the Forest comes to mind when looking at this card. However, the difference is this is a more expensive neutral card with a body that demands the effect has to activate a few times the turn it's played to benefit. This might be possible with Token decks in Constructed if they can afford to add a 6 mana minion, but it seems even better in Arena.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.

This card seems similar to Cobalt Scalebane in the sense the stat gains this card can provide are great, but are more likely to be appreciated in an Arena setting. As a result, it earns a similar rating.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.

Stablemaster is crying in the corner with the existence of this card. Deathspeaker seems to have a better statline in terms of survivability and it's a neutral, which makes it have great potential in a number of decks that enjoy any semblance of minion combat. It also helps deal with Poisonous minions. Overall, it seems like a useful card to have.

In Constructed, this card is Good. In Arena, this card is Great.

A smaller, less costly Shattered Sun Cleric may see a bit more use since the +1/+1 effect is effectively cheaper. However, this benefit is likely to be appreciated more in Arena.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Great.

Despite the fact this is a Murloc, it doesn't seem that great to use even if the Lifesteal effect has the potential to heal for a lot. A 1/1 for 1 mana just doesn't really cut it in general.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

Hyldnir Frostrider

This card is absolutely amazing with Moorabi but is otherwise best played alone or with minions you don't care about freezing. When it is played alone, the statline is fairly decent, but not anything amazing in Constructed at least.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This minion's effect is fairly strong but unlike a similar card like Gurubashi Berserker, its 3/4 body can't support the benefits well. After one damaging effect, the Night Howler is left as a 5/3 in the best case. Therefore, it's probably better to use a minion like Gurubashi Berserker instead.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

The effect of this minion is interesting for setting up a future spell combo with a Stealth minion or the like, but doing so takes at least 2 and most likely 4 cards. At that point I'd consider alternatives.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Good.

This minion utilizes the special Deathrattle mechanic that activates on the opponent's turn. While it summons a sturdier minion than a card like Eggnapper, the conditional effect may make it more worthwhile to run Eggnapper or other cards instead.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

For a veteran, this minion has awfully poor stats. While the Attack bonus this provides is permanent, it'll usually be better to run an Abusive Sergeant since +2 Attack opens up more trading opportunities. It might be worth using both sometimes though...

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

This card is reminiscent of Maexxna in the sense it basically has infinite Attack power against minions but deals little damage to the enemy hero. This generally isn't too bad and this minion will likely trade into something, but the beneficial results are more likely to occur in an Arena setting where it might be better to run a 5/5 for 5 mana anyways.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is So-So.

The Deathrattle effect of this minion is very potent but unlikely to go off. With that said, this is really good as a deterrent against board clearing effects, which might be worth a minion slot on the board. It's probably not enough to pit itself against other unfair cards like giants, but it's a relatively accessible neutral card worth considering.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is So-So.

This card will probably activate once unless for some reason a player wants to overwrite multiple weapons in a single turn. This means it'll usually be a 5/5 for 4 mana if the class uses weapons, which is a bit more powerful in Arena than it is in Constructed.

In Constructed, this card is Bad. In Arena, this card is So-So.

For spell combo purposes, I think this one's a bit more reliable than Tuskarr Fisherman for setting up for a combo later on. The Divine Shield will make it a little harder to kill, causing an opponent to go out of their way to deny +1 Spell Power. This doesn't necessarily mean it'll be used for spell combos, especially with cards like Bloodmage Thalnos around, but the option is there.

In Constructed, this card is So-So. In Arena, this card is Bad.

In terms of stats, Archmage provides Spell Power and is far more durable. In terms of raw Spell Power, it's probably better to use the aforementioned Tainted Zealot, among other minions. While this card is efficient in terms of the amount of Spell Power there is on one card, the 6 mana cost is very restrictive and makes this impractical to use in nearly any situation.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Terrible.

This card looks a little attractive for aggro but since it might not live long enough to attack, it might be better to use Leper Gnome or Emerald Reaver instead. Both of these aren't used too much if I recall correctly...

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Terrible.

This card has the potential to get pretty huge in situations involving many minions dying. This is most likely to happen in decks running tokens, but one would be optimistic to get a 4 mana 5/5 out of this, let alone a 4 mana 7/7. It might be even harder to get a large Wicked Skeleton out in Arena, though it'll happen from time to time.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is Bad.

Grim Necromancer

This minion summons 4/6 of stats, though the 1/1 bodies will likely die quick. Excellent for summon tokens as fodder though, so it may be considered in decks that like swarming the board.

In Constructed and Arena, this card is So-So.


This card seems to exist to give Rexxar a Beast with Lifesteal for his new hero power. The 4/4 body for 5 mana is pretty weak otherwise.

In Constructed, this card is Terrible. In Arena, this card is Bad.

Final Statements

This concludes my review of the Knights of the Frozen Throne set. The statistics for cards of each rating goes as follows:
  • In Constructed, I rated 27 Terrible cards, 29 Bad cards, 20 So-So cards, 37 Good cards, and 16 Great cards.
  • In Arena, I rated 7 Terrible cards, 20 Bad cards, 38 So-So cards, 36 Good cards, and 34 Great cards.
As always, I enjoyed doing this style of review, but in hindsight, I should've started sooner. While I managed to publish just before the set is available once again, I spent a hectic last couple of days getting this review together because I focused less on following the revealed compared to the last time. In hindsight, this is very apparent in later parts of the review but I would like to think I gave all the cards a fair shake, even if I'm more liable to be wrong than usual. I should probably go see what the pros thought of all the cards, just maybe not the ones with questionable sponsorships...

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