The existence of a sixth person on Summoner's Rift seems exceedingly underwhelming. At the same time, however, because of the sixth player, the possibility of double top, double jungle, or double mid (this is rare compared to the aforementioned two) means that a new meta may coalesce. For instance, the following metas could exist:
- Double bruiser and marksman/support duo lanes that can either go top or bot to attempt to get a more favorable matchup, though the overall comp may end up getting outscaled.
- Two marksman/support lanes could be run, though this may run into the problem of lacking tank/bruiser champions in the overall.
- An aggressive double caster lane could also be run with double bruiser or marksman/support, though mage champions have a tendency to scale better with levels.
- Double jungle could also be run, as mentioned above, though the consequence of this is that one or both junglers may end up becoming immensely underleveled if they don't manage to gain absolute control over objectives and/or the enemy jungle. The second jungler could also be replaced with a roamer who goes to help lanes as needed but may not jungle as much.
- Double mid could be run with any sort of combination, which would increase roaming strength and dragon presence while also forcing the enemy mid into a potential 1v2 matchup, but at the expense of leaving a side lane in the same sort of matchup.
- And more...
The above reason is a common complaint for the other limited modes as well, making it less of a Hexakill-exclusive issue as opposed to one regarding limiting enjoyable modes. However, what sets Hexakill apart from Showdown and One For All is that it was limited to Blind Pick mode while Showdown and One For All had their own unique pick types. Aside from the fact players may have a tendency to be partial to Draft Mode (and the fact that this suggestion was made numerous times), I feel there are definitive reasons that Draft Mode may have made Hexakill more intriguing as a game type :
- Your team and the enemy team can see the comps of the other team and speculate on what sort of meta (or meta break) the team is considering.
- This also allows players to not "blindly" walk in to a comp that could be extremely frustrating to play against (for example, going against double jungle as Amumu).
- You are less liable to get "countered" in terms of champion picks (this also applies to Normal Blind vs Normal Draft).
- In addition, you and other players get the opportunity to run rune and mastery setups based on the enemy composition, much like in Normal Draft mode (as opposed to running something a bit more universal or blindly guessing and potentially getting screwed over).
- It would give players time to pitch to their teammates ideas of what sort of comp to run (i.e. double jungle, double bruiser top, etc) instead of taking what's available. This could also potentially reduce conflict among teammates since they are more likely to get to do what they want.
- It gives an opportunity to test features that could be implemented into Normal Draft, such as a 4th ban per team and so on.
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