A Chat With A Guard
When you first walk into one of these towns, you should look for a guard. They're easily recognizable and either patrol around or defend the borders of the town. These guards, unlike other guards you will encounter as you go on journeys through hubs in other zones, can be interacted with to find specific NPCs and services. When you mouse over them, your mouse will turn into a map icon to indicate that that specific guard can give directions. When you talk to them, you will see this:
As you can see, you will see a list of NPCs who provide services, which I will describe below:
The Bank: The bank is a place where you can store items. They are always in capital cities and also show up in a few other areas. Your bank can hold 28 items plus an additional 7 bag slot's worth of items. The bag slots for your bank must be purchase individually (reaching a price up to 25 gold for the last few slots).
The Flight Master: This will be called something like "The wind rider master" or "The gryphon master" based on your faction and race. They all serve the same purpose of allowing you to fly to other flight masters you have visited or flight masters in zones that are within your level range (a bit more on this later). Flying to another area incurs a small fee. To fly to another area, click on a point on the map that pops up when you interact with a flight master. Flight masters you have not seen show up as a green exclamation point on the map. Flight masters, when moused over, have a winged boot icon.
The Inn(keeper): Inns are places where you can buy some food and water and "rest" for a time. You can also interact with the Innkeeper to set your "home." When you do this, you can use your Hearthstone, an item that you begin the game with (if you lose your Hearthstone you can talk to any Innkeeper and get another by setting your home again) to teleport to that area as often as the cooldown permits. By default, your Hearthstone will be set to your starting area, which is why it's important to change it as soon as possible (preferably to a capital city like Stormwind or Orgrimmar). You can use your Hearthstone at almost any time, even in combat, though the cast time is long and damage will stop it. An Innkeeper has a Hearthstone-shaped icon when you mouse over them.
- Note that while in an Inn or capital city you can log out instantly. This is a good way to indicate where you can accumulate rested experience faster as well, as you will gain 5% of experience as rested (or one bar out of the 20 needed to level, with the cap at 30 bars) every 8 hours as opposed to every 32 hours. Rested experience is a boon because monster kills grant double experience until the rested experience is consumed.
The Stable Master: This NPC is exclusive for Hunters. They serve as something of a storage facility for Hunter pets, similar to that of a bank. If you played Pokemon, you can think of it as your PC.
Class Trainer: As mentioned in the previous article, class trainers can provide some class-specific services later in the game.
Profession Trainer: Profession trainers can teach you a profession and train you as you progress in that profession. Professions will be covered in greater detail in the next article.
Keep in mind only Hunters can track Stable Masters |
Journey To The Capitals
Eventually you'll reach a point where you travel to the capital cities of the game. These can either be faction-specific or neutral hubs. The faction-specific hubs are as follows and are always near a starting zone.:
Alliance have control of Stormwind (near Elwynn Forest), Ironforge (near Dun Morogh), Darnassus (on Teldrassil), and The Exodar (on Azuremyst Isle).
Horde have control of Orgrimmar (near Durotar), Thunder Bluff (near Mulgore), Undercity (near Trisifal Glade), and Silvermoon City (near Eversong Woods).
These towns are important because they have a vast number of NPCs and services that exceed the starting zone towns and serve as the major hub that sends you out to other areas by means of quests. However, because of that, they will be covered gradually in future articles when they become relevant. Just remember to set a Hearthstone point to a capital (preferably Stormwind/Orgrimmar).
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